Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

Last update on 09.06.2020

COVID19, is severe acute respiratory syndrome of the Coronaviruses family. Identified on early January 2020, by the Chinese authorities. This virus has not previously been detected in humans or animals. Is still unknown how was transmitted to people, but it’s likely that it comes from an animal. A seafood market in Wuhan City, China is suspected as the original source  cause illnesses such as the common cold. 

Symptoms of this new Coronavirus are similar to influenza and may include: sore throat, sneezing and runny nose, temporary loss of smell, fever, coughing or difficulty breathing which is a sign of possible pneumonia and requires immediate medical attention. If you have these symptoms or have been in close contact with someone confirmed with COVID-19, please contact Healthline (for free) on 0800 358 5453 .

If any of your pharmacy has been exposure to COVID19, please follow this flowchart to guide in case of possible staff exposure and management.

It is so important that you and your staff keep well informed and updated about this virus, we suggest you regularly visit the Ministry of Health website and Canterbury District Health Board in their COVID19 (Novel Coronavirus) site.

Also the Canterbury-Community HealthPathway website can provide you good guidelines, as well as the Canterbury Primary Response Group (CPRG) website and also their resources, guidlines, leafets and posters section.

The Pharmaceutical Society New Zealand (PSNZ) has a specific COVID -19 section  please check  for the most recent Sector Update titled Pharmacy Practice During The COVID-19 Pandemic’ which provides relevant pharmacy specific information including dispensing changes related to COVID19.

PHARMAC updates can be found in the COVID19: PHARMAC’s Response site.

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)

The CPRG have developed a  Community Pharmacy specific - Infection Prevention Control overview. We encourage you to follow CPRG Guidance on the use of personal protective equipment in conjunction with the following Ministry of Health -Personal protective equipment (PPE) used by community pharmacy for prevention of COVID-19.


Its good to know?

PPE packs are dispatched every Wednesday through your regular wholesaler. The packs contain face masks and hand sanitizer and are supplied by CPRG and CCPG.

Protection Equipment (PPE) Request:

If you require further PPE pack or a replacement, please request on the CPRG order form. If it is urgent please indicate on your request in the comments box.

COVID-19-PPE-advice-Removing-PPE .jpg

Cleaning routine:

-Routine cleaning of your facility will not require the supplied PPE pack.

-Please refer to the resources section above for the instruction sheet if you need to undertake cleaning and decontamination of your facility in the unlikely event of an infectious customer receiving care within your facility.
