Listening to Families’ patient resources
The Listening to Families videos provide answers to everyday questions about health and wellbeing challenges facing children and adolescents.
The questions the videos answer are real- they come directly from families.
The answers are provided by trusted specialists. Each question and answer is one video clip – most are less than 6 minutes.
The objectives for Listening to Families are:
· To help families to navigate the health system
· To answer families questions – often overlooked by busy health professionals
· To providing information in an easily accessible format
Video clips record a conversation between real people – people with experience who know the questions and those with the knowledge to answer them in a way that is easy to understand.
Access the Listening to Families website here.
The Listening to Families website is also being used by education and health professionals. They share the link to the site with families, they discuss the content with families as part of a meeting or consultation. Many health professionals are using the information to inform their own practice.
Additional topics are being added each month. There are currently 370+ clips on the site.
Listening to families is a community initiative. The Maia Health Foundation fund the recording of the videos and the website – the rest of the input is from volunteers.
Poster to share with whānau can be downloaded here.
Simon’s contributions
Thanks to our fellow local community pharmacist, Simon Murphy from Hillmorton Pharmacy for supporting this initiative and answering some common questions whānau and patients have about pharmacy services and medicines.
Simon has supported 7 videos, which can be viewed here